Sight Seeing, 2021
Introducing Inga Markstrom, Oregon Artist
Greetings! My name is Inga Markstrom. I am a self-taught mixed-media artist and stop-motion animator born and raised in the great PNW. A mother, collage enthusiast for over 26 years, and the sole artist behind @absurd.mirror and @absurdist_collageclub.
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Self-Portrait & Process Pic / Inga's Studio
I started dabbling in collage during my mid-teens, as a way to journal my thoughts. I’ve always found art to be the clearest, most direct way of expressing my inner thoughts and feelings, unraveling the mysteries of my subconscious self and creating new worlds for my psyche to explore. Creating a visual story is something I really enjoy. I am inspired by old kids books, dark fairy tales, nature and everything absurd. In 2007 I spent an entire winter collaging every single page of The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Wright, using a second copy to alter the first.
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Collaged Page in The Real Mother Goose, 2007
Shortly after completing TRMG I decided I wanted to learn how to make stop motions, so that I could make my mother goose world come to life. In 2012, I invested in a good DLSR, the Dragonframe program, and taught myself the craft of stop motion animation through a lot of trial and error. I practiced by using stories of my friend's kids that I recorded (with permission) on a field recorder. This inspired an entire series of animated shorts made for kids by kids.
The Real Mother Goose Animated Shorts, 2012-2021
In 2015 I gave birth to my daughter and my art was put on hold for a little while. During this time new ideas were simmering every day. When I finally got back into making art again I went straight for my little pile of cut-outs. Each day I would make a really quick minimalist collage while my daughter napped.
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Top Panel - Into The Deep Dark Forest—Watching Trees, 2021 / Evolving Nature, 2018 / Untitled, 2021 Bottom Panel - Business Card Collage, 2021 / Untitled, 2021 / Stop Motion Characters, 2021
In 2019 I started putting my work “out into the world” and that is how @absurd.mirror came to be and eventually the @absurdist_collageclub was born. 20 years ago I was too afraid of violating copyright laws and getting sued to share any of my work on a public forum like this, but seeing so many of us here today has really been life changing for me!
Up to this point I was the only collage artist that I knew of. Since joining IG I have discovered hundreds of collage artists and I am thrilled to be able to see what others have been creating. You all inspire me every day!
Feeling Butterflies, 2021
Instagram | @absurd.mirror
Instagram | @absurdist_collageclub